Aligning Business and IT
Aligning Business and IT
Businesses face many challenges today, from the economy, competition, regulatory constraints, capital expenses and many other factors. Companies have greater pressures on their business than ever before and keeping internal costs down is a primary focus in most businesses.
For many companies, the costs of running the business is consuming a greater portion of the bottom line. Business models have changed over time and this puts new pressures on business owners. In the mid-90s few companies had a need for email. Now it is an integral part of any business venture. Internal applications, web presence and social media are just some examples of how technology has become more pervasive in business today. Adding to the pressure is the fact that many of these technologies do not have direct funding. Typically, IT has been a negative cost center, bringing greater expenses that cannot be tied to specific revenue streams. From acquisition of infrastructure, costs to power and cool the data center and the manpower to maintain and develop it; IT funding is by far one of the greatest burdens on business today. An estimated 80% of an IT department’s resources are spent on “keeping the lights on” and only 20% on new initiatives. IT Managers are caught in a balancing act of supporting current technologies and driving value to the business.
GT Global Services is here to help! We help businesses relieve the burden and costs of maintaining IT systems and bring IT more in line with business objectives by offering solutions that enable IT managers to focus on bringing greater value to the core business. GT Global provides companies alternatives to running and maintaining infrastructure through Hosted Solutions. We provide skilled resources to alleviate IT workload through Managed Solutions reducing the need to hire specific skill sets and allowing IT staff to work on projects aligned to business functions. GT provides best-of-breed technology that brings intelligence to the Datacenter from Cisco, VMware and EMC that help lower costs of running, maintaining and managing infrastructure. We also help with companies making the journey to the cloud by providing Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) that allows businesses to leverage external data centers to reduce operational costs.
GT Global Services partners with the industry’s leading providers and vendors to bring IT solutions that reduce the total cost of ownership and deliver greater IT value for business. Call GT today to align your business and IT needs.